ValueOne continues to deliver open trainings thru CIPS. This time we will conduct Category Management training in Business Lounge in Sickla in Nacka, Stockholm on 14-15 May 2019.
This two-day course will develop your expertise and skills in Category Management, by examining tools and techniques which can be implemented in your organisation. It is particularly beneficial for experienced procurement professionals as well as line managers who wishes to implement category management processes in their organisation.
By the end of this course you will be able to:
• Understand why category management is an essential procurement tool
• Appreciate the benefits of successfully implementing category management
• Identify an appropriate implementation strategy
• Decide which approaches to category management are best suited to your organisation
• Utilise a range of tools and techniques to develop category management in your organisation
What key points will the training cover?
• Rationale and principles of category management
• Assessing the main categories of expenditure
• Models for category management
• The importance of market factors on implementing category management
• Implementation of category management
• Behavioural and technical skills required to implement category management
• Making the category management approach work for your business
Contact us by Email on or call us on +46 (0)73 222 6430 to sign up or learn more.